
Sunday 6 March 2016

February Wrap-Up

The past month has been hectic so I was quite surprised when I checked GoodReads today to find that I managed to somehow read five books. All of the books I read in February were fantastic so it was really hard picking out a favourite.

Books, Books, Books

Look At Me - Sarah Duguid
A domestic thriller where the appearance of a sibling that no one previously knew comes and shatters family life. This is a short and precise novel. I'll be reviewing this soon.

Gold Fame Citrus - Claire Vaye Watkins
Mad Max meets Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. You can read my review here.

Girls Will Be Girls - Emer O'Toole
O'Toole explores the way us girls dress up and play parts that society expects, and how it's time for us to question those expectations. This is a great book - everyone should read it. I've been reviewing it soon so watch out!

Melissa - Jonathan Taylor
This book explores the aftershocks of the death of Melissa and the mass hallucination which happens to all of the people who live down the same street as Melissa's family. This is detailed and interesting book. You can read my review here.

My Name is Lucy Barton - Elizabeth Strout
I read this book in two sessions and I could have finished it in one session but sleep got in the way. The narrator looks back at her life when she was stuck in hospital for an extended period and her mum comes to visit. This is a book about poverty, class, fragile cracks in families. The writing is AMAZING. This is my book of the month, and I'm sure it will be a contender for book of the year too. I had heard of the author before (I watched the adaptation of her book Olive Kitteridge the other year) but never read any of her books. I am planning on reading more Strout as soon as possible. I also love the stylish front cover.

At the end of the month, I signed up to Curtis Browns' Agent Discovery Day at Foyles in London. I had to pitch my novel, and let an agent read the first page of my novel. It was pretty scary stuff (but sometimes you need to take that fear and just kick it out of the door) but I came away determined to finish redrafting my novel this year. The agent thought my first page was intriguing (and liked the title too), and that he would want to read more. He also gave me a few suggestions on how to tighten up in a few places. I recommend going to the next one if you have a novel either finished or in progress.

In February I also had a story published. You can read A Love Letter to my Slow Cooker over at Murder and Glut.

I have had an acceptance for another short piece, and I will post the link once it's available.


  1. Five books is great going! Intrigued you like 'Melissa' – thought I might give it a try.

  2. It's definitely worth a read :)
